Any business event intended to reward, honor, engage or educate the employees, partners or shareholders (e.g. conferences, seminars, incentives, cycle meetings, internal corporate parties, retreats, team buildings, awards etc.). Internal target groups are managers, employees and stakeholders.
Formats might be incentive or team-building events, change processes, kick-offs as well as training events.
These can be retailer presentations, road shows, a kick-off event, open day made for external target groups, customers, media and users.
If you want to apply for both categories "Best internal corporate event" and "Best Educational/Training Event" be ready to explain the advantages in two different ways: what were the creative ideas for education/networking for people from the same company and for the brand in general (Best Internal Corporate event) and what were the creative ideas in educational program/format (Best Educational/Training Event)
Significant difference with the category "Best internal corporate event" (if it is related to sport) that you have to describe the creative ideas related to city marketing, brand experience, health or other benefits achieved due to sport role.
This category covers all events open to the general public, including entertainment events, consumer events, fairs and public installations. The Event has to include institutional and/or entertainment moments.